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Intro to Valence: the Baseline

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Aug. 26, 2024

Setting: Medieval Fantasy

Kara (the Kingdom of Stone Bay)

Karan society is already structured! The Kingdom of Stone Bay manages the many towns formed in Baronies, Counties, and Duchies under the crown. It is a feudal society where laws are set, debated, and enforced– thus there are consequences for your actions.

Overall, Kara is a very small part of the world but is a very special place. Here, “The Curse” stops death and provides an explanation as to how our characters respawn. There are very few ways to permanently die, including specifically indicated events, the harshest of legal repercussions, or by a player's own decision.

A map of Olvunter, the larger world outside of Kara!

Olvunter is the name of the overall known world (Shown above.) You are more than welcome to create a character from outside the known world of Olvunter, in which case they will generally be from ‘East of the Adredahn’.

  • Open a Writing Ticket to speak to one of our writers for nation-specific lore, or if you need help with character creation.

General Character-building points


Classic D&D species work well in the setting (human, dwarf, elf, tiefling, warforged)! Check out this Into to Character Creation post for even more helpful info.

  • Commonly evilly aligned races (hags, liches, demons) might struggle more in the good/neutral society

  • Fae and other inherently magical creatures might struggle more to describe their characters and align well with pre-set expectations in-world.

Minecraft inspired races are common, and okay!

Magic Expectations

Magic Expectations: “You need to be able to prove it.” Check out this Intro to Karan Magic for even more helpful info.

  • Most characters who use magic describe their magic using /do, or build people’s expectations overtime. Otherwise, magic is item based.

Certain magics are regarded with fear and are illegal. This includes necromancy and chronomancy.

Magic replaces modern concepts such as science (clerics/healers instead of doctors).

  • The only “technology” the world has is equivalent to medieval times.


The Titans

Titans: Ancient beings that once walked the earth, worshiped in small sects around the world but are largely considered outdated and ineffectual. Titans in general are distant beings, and do not talk with people as a general rule.

  • Alaurus: Titan of the wind, skies, and knowledge. This Titan was once widely revered, and is now much more absent than the rest.
  • Sanaquas: Titan of the waters, oceans, and what they contain. Think “the sea’s bounty”, what is beyond your vision, and what lies below the waves.
  • Gunterra: Titan of the land, earth, and general creation. First Titan to create life, namely dwarves.
  • Tanignus: Titan of the fires, change, and external energy. Worship ranges from “controlling the flame” to war and revenge, but usually focuses on passion and dedication to changing oneself.
  • Apophis: “The Fifth One”, also known as the World Eater or the Titan of Destruction. The end of all things which must be avoided. This is the only Titan that speaks to people regularly. Worshiping this Titan openly can lead to the death of your character.

Check out this post on the Titans for more specific information!

The Gods

Gods: Gods MUST have belief to exist. They can be anything you want and more personable. They are generally cultural, whether nation or region specific!

  • There can be multiple gods of the same things! There is no ONE set god per concept.

If you have any questions, feel free to message in Help Chat or to Open a General Support Ticket.