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Weekly Roundup: September 15

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Sept. 15, 2024

Weekly Roundup: September 15

Welcome back! We’ve started up the regular scheduling of Weekly Roundups again, so keep an eye out every Sunday for a brief recap of the events of the week!

Habagat Punongpuso’s Ship of Wares

Sailing into the bay the night after the Gilded Masquerade, Habagat returned to Kara after a long journey away in style, bringing plenty of valuable wares with her (including several crates of mangoes). Habagat introduced herself to many Karans on her ship on Wednesday and sold or traded various goods alongside several other DEW merchants. Gold and Jade Tea sets increased in price and demand since the masquerade, as did mangoes. Habagut informed Karans of an incoming shipment of Coconut Wine, so keep an eye out on The Board.

Habagat Punongpuso's ship in the bay

Dorlana’s Confrontation

Volmar Dorlana, another DEW newcomer to Kara, called together some help to confront some bandits in northern Orlan who had reportedly attacked a DEW merchant vessel. Escorted by the Constabulary and Royal Guard, the adventurers travelled to a cave north of Stone Bay, where they were attacked by bandits. After fighting through a group of bandits, Dorlana confronted Judd Reeves, who he claimed was a member of the Figh, a Dascian criminal organization. Reeves was killed after attempting to attack Dorlana, though he did reveal that more members of the Figh were present in Kara.

City of Stone Bay Town Hall

The capital city had a town hall on Friday evening, with recent updates and plans for the future on full display. Check out the Town Hall notes! With a special guest of the King of Stone Bay, this town hall discussed plans for the upcoming Stone Bay Day weekend, which is the celebration of the port opening and newcomers arriving in Kara! There will be a dodgebolt tournament (sign up with a team here to play!), a contest of arms (signups here), a gala, and a ton of other fun events. The King also outlined his plan for the Parliament and updated the kingdom on recent happenings.

Karan Explorer Society

Famed explorer Eargus Glowgoarge has begun his newest adventure: creating the Karan Explorer Society. This society travels across Kara and uncovers old ruins and explores locations with a long and storied history. Check out his itinerary on the Board. On Saturday, the intrepid explorers traveled to Wolcott and explored the island.

The Karan Explorer Society on their way to Wolcott

Temples and Trinkets

A group of Karans travelled to a Temple of Alaurus on Saturday to locate an artifact alongside Edwin Street. After a heated debate and discussion, the Karans and Street progressed into the temple, where they uncovered hidden ruins beneath the temple. After a ritual, the artifact was found: a blinking eye inside a glass teardrop.

Recalled Items Updates

As we’re sure you all know, item confiscations of recalled items are in full swing. To help our Support Team confiscate broken items, the models and textures of recalled items have been removed. If you find an item that has yet to be confiscated, feel free to Open a Ticket to have Support Team swing by and delete it, or simply /trash the item or throw it into lava. Keeping old and unbalanced items is not an option. There’s a second list of items on the recall list for the end of September, including the old Kamaria faction gear, the silk touch tools, and several other items found here. Make sure to make an appointment with DEW to sell your items before they disappear.

Rumors & Whispers

There were some fun rumors this week, so we’ll highlight a few that caught our eye (just in case you missed them!). As usual, just DM the Rumors & Whispers bot to submit a rumor.

A businessman from York was seen busking in the Streets of Stone Bay, is it greed, or are his businesses not panning out?

Someone saw Henry Sharpe eating an absurd amount of mangos at the Gala at a rapid pace!

Whispers spread from the Glade of Eternum that the star-seeing Druid is about to trade for something valuable…

Wrapping Up

That’s all for this week, folks! See you all server-side.

Dino & Wy