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Laws Within Kara

kaysebugg's Profile Picture


Sept. 12, 2024

Howdy again, it's Kayse!

As stated many times before, Kara has a decently complex governmental system established- and we are all one Kingdom after all, so we have quite a few laws that all Karans must follow! While most of them are self explanatory, some can seem to come out of nowhere- so I'm here to help out!

Will I get in trouble if I break laws?

Well naturally if you're caught- yes. There will be consequences to your actions in-character. I always try to stress one thing though, there is a difference between laws and server rules. While breaking a server rule will often get you a warning from staff, or even potentially a ban- breaking in-character laws only gives in-character consequences (unless of course it becomes an out-of-character problem). The laws within Kara are enforced by the Royal Guard and the Royal Constabulary, who are Kara's main peace-keeping forces. If you break a law and are caught, your character could face a multitude of punishments like fines, jail time, community service, exile, and even execution.

I broke a law, what's next?

Honestly, it depends on what you did. There's precedent in the past for a couple things to happen- but the most likely is that you will be sent to civil or criminal court. The Constabulary will hold you in a jail cell for a short time most often. If your character doesn't seem like a major threat or a flight risk, you will be released and either put on house-arrest or told to not leave Kara until your court date. Jail RP can be fun for a short time, but it often becomes quite boring- so we try to avoid it when we can. You'll be communicated with to schedule a court date, and once that date approaches, you will have a court case. Don't worry if you can't find a lawyer, we try to accomadate to get you one if you cannot. Unless you committed something incredibly henious like committing a PK (permenant kill), treason, sedition, or banned magic- it's very unlikely you will face severe consequences.

One thing to always remember that if your character gets caught and charged with a crime their story isn't over. Many characters who are successful and powerful now (even my own) have committed crimes and been charged in the past. It's all about how you move on afterwards.

How are laws made?

The most common way that laws are created are through our Parliament system. Laws, bills, and amendments are presented within the Parliament- and are debated and voted on. If a bill passes through all the necessary hoops, it is sent to the King to give his Royal Assent (which is basically either a pass or a veto). Once that happens, it's put into the Code of Law.

A slightly less common way that laws are made are through proclamation. While we have a mostly democratic parliamentary system, the Kingdom of Stone Bay is still an absolute monarchy. The King has the final and ultimate power to pass and create whatever he wants. This doesn't happen often, but some times the King will announce or post a proclamation that changes the law, without having to go through the usual systems.

I was framed! It wasn't me!

Sorry, that can happen. Even if you insist out-of-character that it wasn't you, it doesn't usually matter. We try to seperate in-character from out-of-character as best as we can, so if your character is falsely accused of a crime, it will be up to the courts and your lawyer to prove otherwise.

This rarely happens however, and it can be unfun for the accused- so sometimes a little bit of leeway will be given, or we will try to work out a solution out-of-character so that the sanctity of our RP is kept, but the result is agreeable.

Now that all that is over, I guess I should give you guys the Code of Law that Kara follows- so here ya go.

The Kingdom of Stone Bay Code of Law

Anyways, I hope you guys have fun- and honestly, commit crime if you want. Just prepare to have consequences.

Love, Kayse